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Hawaiian Snow Cone

Hawaiian Snow Cone

This syrup from Hawaiian Shaved Ice features 1 pint of ready-to-use snow cone syrup in our most popular flavours, 10 bottle pourers for a seamless dispense
Each bottle of snowcone syrup makes approximately eight snow cones when using our recommendation of 2 ounces of syrup per 6 ounces of shaved ice.
Our snow cone cups are made from durable, waxed paper to prevent spills and leaks, and our straws are designed with a spoon on the end so that you can have your choice of eating or drinking your snow cone.
Offer your guests a cool refreshment at all of your indoor and outdoor gatherings this year - birthday parties, family gatherings, pool parties, lake days, sleepover, and more!
There is SNOW time like the present to grab this syrup from Hawaiian Shaved Ice and start enjoying these cool treats today
FLAVOuRS: Cherry, Grape, Blue Raspberry, Strawberry, Lemon-Lime, Banana, Tiger's Blood, Root Beer, Watermelon, and Pina Colada. A lot more coming soon.
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